About the Artist

Melissa Miller Nece“Drawing is the foundation of all the visual arts, the product of a direct connection between the eye, the mind and the hand. This makes it feel organic, physical and spiritual at the same time. To me, there is something profoundly satisfying in making marks that come together into something recognizable. It’s a kind of Artistic Alchemy.”


Melissa Miller Nece is regarded as one of the foremost colored pencil artists in the US. Her enthusiasm and humor have made her a favorite speaker for arts groups, and she has inspired many others to try colored pencils through her classes and workshops. She is corporate relations director for the Colored Pencil Society of America after having served as CPSA’s president for 4 years and ways and means director for 8 years. She is both a 15-year merit signature member and a 5-year merit CPX signature member of CPSA, and a signature member of the Miniature Artists of America.  Her work has been published in national magazines and numerous books on colored pencil and portraiture.


Melissa is also an accomplished painter in acrylics and oils, and often works plein air. Her work, including many portrait commissions, is in corporate, public and private collections, including the Cumberland Pencil Co. in England, and it has also been featured in packaging, advertising and promotional materials for multiple art materials manufacturers.

Click here for Artist’s Resume

Click here for Artist’s Bio & Statement

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